Hustle & Fox

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Oh The Places You’ll Go…To Let Them Go

Finding a nursery place can be really hard. There is so much to consider but if you're anything like me, it’s all about the feeling you get. You want to get that feeling much like the one you get when you walk in a new house you know you want to buy or when you meet someone new and know you’ll be friends forever; that feeling when something just clicks. 

We started working with Cuckooz Nest in April and I was so interested to see how it would work. Could I find somewhere I could work with zero distractions and somewhere that had childcare options that Roxy would love. Surely I’d have to compromise something, somewhere, right? Wrong.

Walking in through the nursery door, (in a stroke of genius there are separate doors for the workspace and the nursery) I immediately had that feeling. It was happy and welcoming and relaxed not to mention, beautifully thought out. That gut feeling I was hoping for was apparent immediately; I knew I’d feel super happy to leave Roxy in their ever-so-capable hands. All I had to do was walk around the corner and start work.

The Nursery uses the Family app to update you throughout the day with photos and videos so you feel at ease knowing what your little one is up to pretty much in ‘real time’. Just like most ‘regular’ nurseries they follow EYFS, again reassuring you that they are not only being looked after but also being stimulated and set on the right path. Although the nursery doesn’t have its own outside space (again something that I would want from a nursery) they are moments away from a lovely park and last week, while I was beavering away inside, I was sent pictures of Roxy living her best life in the sunshine. 

The Workspace next door offers fixed desk or hot desk plans and has loads of lovely extras such as free tea and coffee, a great schedule of relevant events and activities, a shower, super fast wifi, printing facilities and even a bed under the stairs if you need a little disco nap (who doesn’t?). It allows me to work in peace, meet up with new and existing clients and see the other Hustlers knowing Roxy’s super happy and safe in the nest next door. 

Check out the images below to see what an amazing space and nursery Cuckooz Nest is.